"That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime" is an enchanting and captivating isekai anime series that takes viewers on a thrilling journey of transformation and fantasy. The story revolves around Satoru Mikami, a middle-aged corporate worker who is reincarnated as a powerful and adorable slime in a magical world. As Rimuru Tempest, he embarks on a quest to build a peaceful and prosperous society, making new friends and allies along the way.
The anime masterfully combines elements of adventure, fantasy, and humor, creating a delightful and engaging narrative. Rimuru's journey from being a humble slime to a respected leader with incredible abilities is both heartwarming and empowering. The series also explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the impact of one's actions on the world around them.
Runtime: Varies per episode, approximately 23 minutes per episode
Release Date:
Japan: October 2, 2018 - March 19, 2019 (Season 1)
Japan: January 12, 2021 - Present (Season 2)
Language: Japanese (Original), English (Dubbed version available)
Rimuru Tempest - Voiced by Miho Okasaki (Japanese), Brittney Karbowski (English)
Veldora Tempest - Voiced by Tomoaki Maeno (Japanese), Christopher Wehkamp (English)
Shizue Izawa - Voiced by Yumiri Hanamori (Japanese), Mallorie Rodak (English)
Benimaru - Voiced by Makoto Furukawa (Japanese), Ricco Fajardo (English)
Milim Nava - Voiced by Rina Hidaka (Japanese), Tia Ballard (English)
And more talented voice actors.
Quality: High Definition (HD)
"That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime" is a must-watch anime for fans of isekai and fantasy genres. With its endearing characters, immersive world-building, and engaging storyline, the series effortlessly captures the hearts of viewers. Whether you're new to the isekai genre or a seasoned anime enthusiast, this anime offers a delightful and entertaining experience that will leave you eagerly awaiting each new episode.
SEASON 1 [1080P]
SEASON 2 [1080P]