Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) (Season 1-2 + Movie + OVAs) 1080p Dual Audio HEVC


Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer)

"Kimetsu no Yaiba," also known as "Demon Slayer," is a popular Japanese anime and manga series. The story follows Tanjiro Kamado, a kind-hearted boy who becomes a demon slayer after his family is slaughtered, and his sister Nezuko is turned into a demon. Tanjiro seeks revenge on the demons responsible for his family's tragedy while trying to find a way to cure his sister and turn her back into a human. Along his journey, Tanjiro joins the Demon Slayer Corps, a group of skilled warriors dedicated to eradicating demons and protecting humanity. The series is known for its breathtaking animation, intense action, and emotional depth, and has garnered a large fanbase worldwide.

Category: TV Series

Number of Episodes: 26

Status: Completed

Airing Dates: April 6, 2019, to September 28, 2019

Premiere: Spring 2019

Broadcast Schedule: Saturdays at 23:30 (JST)

Producers: Aniplex, Shueisha

Licensors: Aniplex of America

Animation Studio: ufotable

Source Material: Manga

Genres: Action, Demons, Historical, Shounen, Supernatural

Duration: 23 minutes per episode

Rating: R – 17+ (contains violence & profanity)




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